Ready To Lose Weight??

Are You Ready To

Lose Weight

You’ve decided to lose weight and are raring to go, but there are a number of things you need to do before you start.
Ready To Lose Weight
Be Ready

1.Are you really overweight?
2.How much should you lose?
3.Are you realistic about your weight loss goal?
4.Are you physically fit to lose weight?
5.Are you mentally prepared to lose weight?
6.Whose idea is it that you should lose weight?
7.What is your support system like?
8.Are you motivated to make long-term lifestyle changes that require eating healthy foods and exercising more?
9.Do you currently have distractions in your life that may prevent you from committing to your weight loss program?
10.Do you believe that you can change your eating habits?
11.Are you willing to become more physically active?
12.Do you have time to keep records of your food intake and physical activity?
13.Do you believe that a healthy weight is a lifelong commitment?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you're ready to make the lifestyle changes necessary for permanent weight loss.

If you answered no to one or more of these questions, you may not be ready. And that's OK. Explore what's holding you back and face those obstacles. In some cases it may be a simple matter of timing.

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