Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic Exercise to burn fat


Aerobic exercise like walking or swimming will burn a greater percentage of body fat. Aerobic exercise is an effective way to lose fat only if you are motivated enough to workout frequently, aerobics only burns fat during the workout so if you want encouraging results you need to be able to exercise daily and for longer periods.

Aerobic exercise can develop into anaerobic exercise

Most exercises can be performed as aerobic (burn fat) or anaerobic (burn mainly carbohydrates) the terms simply refer to the energy pathway required. For example walking is easy and a good aerobic exercise but if we increase the effort the body moves faster, eventually we end up running which then uses the anaerobic energy pathway. The Anaerobic pathway means oxygen uptake becomes insufficient for fat to continue to be the main fuel source.

In fact most exercises or movements we perform result in a split between the fuels used, for example if the effort is about average like vacuuming a room or washing a car then we'll probably be burning about 50% carbohydrates and 50% fat.

Fast weight loss will come when the individual performs each exercise correctly and within their own unique capacity.

To change this rule you must burn stored fat indirectly by using anaerobic exercises to increase your metabolic rate.

Types of Aerobic Exercise

Benefits of aerobic exercise include:

  1. Control of body fat. (Aerobic exercise in conjunction with strength training and a proper diet will reduce body fat.)

  2. Increased resistance to fatigue and extra energy.

  3. Toned muscles and increased lean body mass.

  4. Decreased tension and aid in sleeping.

  5. Increased general stamina.

  6. Psychological benefits:exercise improves mood, reduces depression and anxiety.

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